Make your own

Had a crazy idea in a dream last night? Code it up and show us! Got some cool graphics in Photoshop that you tied to fun animation or design ? We want to see!, want to show off your project and get feedback ? let us know! want to share development tips & tricks ? that would be great!

BlackberryDeveloper blogs lets you show your Blackberry Apps creations to the world. BlackberryDeveloper blogs isn’t a place for finished and polished apps. It’s a place to share your work in progress; your doodles, your experiments, and your zaniest ideas. If it’s Blackberry Apps and fun then we want to see it.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. build your first Blackberry apps creation to share
  2. put the application on your own server or somewhere else.
  3. create a account
  4. email hakimrie awht with the email address attached to your WordPress account.
  5. We will grant you access to share your Blackberry creation with the world

Posting guidelines:

We recommend you post a small screenshot (less than 400 px wide) {if applicable} and a short one paragraph description of your creation in the main body of your post. Then put the rest of the description with code, questions, and anything else you want in the extended body. Your blogging software will have sections for these. If you are posting through the wordpress interface use the “Insert More tag (Alt + Shift + T)” button in the toolbar to add the extended body section.

You can use either English or Bahasa Indonesia.